A vehicle offence is a catch-all term for a wide range of offences that are committed by users of vehicles. Offences involving vehicles can range from relatively minor breaches of road rules through to very serious cases that need to be heard in the Supreme Court, such as dangerous driving.
A vehicle offence is a very broad description for offences and crimes that are committed by users of vehicles. A vehicle includes a bicycle, motorbike, car or truck and many others.
These are serious offences that almost always carry a risk of a lengthy term of imprisonment.
The Tasmanian Government has published a searchable table containing many common vehicle offences. These mostly include road rules offences and drink driving offences. The table is not a complete list. In some cases, such as for dangerous driving sentences, penalties can include lengthy terms of imprisonment - particularly in cases where someone was hurt.
If you have been charged with a vehicle offence, I can give you advice about the penalties that apply and represent you if your case needs to go to court. If you have a defence I can represent you in court at the hearing of the case. Alternatively, if you want to plead guilty, I can appear for you and explain your circumstances to try to get a lenient penalty. Get in touch if you would like to discuss me taking on your case and my costs.
Restricted licences allow people to continue to drive after being disqualified. To apply, you have to make an application in court and show that not being able to drive would cause severe and unusual hardship. Read more about restricted licences in my article here.
Generally it isn't possible to get Legal Aid for traffic offences. Typically there is no risk of imprisonment for these offences, although there are exceptions to that rule, including for most crimes that need to be heard in the Supreme Court, like dangerous driving. Get in touch so I can assess your eligibility for Legal Aid.
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